Committed To Seeing Love Win

The silence Dad left behind when he took his life was agonizing, crippling and frightening. In a matter of minutes his breath ceased and my nightmare began. There was no negotiating, no discussion, no cry fo...
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Several years ago I was cleaning out my grandparents' house, as we prepared to move my grandmother to smaller accommodations to manage her ever-increasing health needs. Much of her house had rooms that had b...
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My identity was stolen...years ago, my identity was stolen. I cannot tell you how or when, I can only tell you it was. It didn’t seem to happen all at once, but slowly, over time, like a slow decay it faded ...
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God is inviting you, He has a personal invitation for you from Him. No one else's name appears on the envelope. Written in gold in the finest simply reads: "Beloved, I have so longed to give...
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We live in a time when the God of gods, the Lord of lords desires to intersect our lives at any moment and in the most unexpected our daily living, in our monotony, in our disbelief. He lives to t...
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